IISER Pune: +91-20-25908000

PCCM: +91-20-25656110


Capacity Building for Better Clinical
- To facilitate peer-to-peer interactions and networking amongst leading cancer professionals of the country and general physicians and cancer professionals from Tier II –III cities. For scale-up, we would adopt a “train the trainers” model.
- To continually disseminate to the Indian cancer community and to discuss and analyze new developments from across the world aimed at improving Cancer management. This involves setting up of a digital platform for one-on-one and group interactions (audio, video, data sharing etc).
- To provide training to young medical graduates in cancer care and in cancer research. In parallel, we give orientation to science researchers on various problems at the clinical set up that need immediate solutions from scientific research.
Upgrading Cancer-related Clinical Services in India
- To fast-track implementation of high-impact concepts, tools and technologies relevant to improving cancer Management in the Indian context. This involves validation of new diagnostics and treatment methods to Indian populations

Undertaking Translational Research
- To create a world-class platform for multidisciplinary, multi-institutional cancer research in collaboration with reputed national and international institutes. It will have state-of-the-art research laboratories and high performance-computing platform for documentation and data sharing.
- To undertake patient-centric research with immediate translational outcomes based on clinical problems identified by the Indian Oncologists based on their vast experience of treating genetically distinct local communities. Towards this, we would establish joint graduate/Ph.D. programs and research projects for physician-scientists, faculty and student exchange programs between partnering institutes.